Film Title: ………………………… Formats: MiniDV / DVD / Both

Primary focus:
Create a short/feature film that offers the audience an entertaining and interesting insight into our community and world. Each film should be unique and cover a diverse range of issues, ideas or images. Creativity and simple story-telling is the key to a successful and meaningful short/feature film.

Ø Is it original?
Ø Was it captivating?
Ø What is the aim/purpose of the film?
Ø Does it successfully achieve its aim/purpose?

TOTAL: / 10

Ø Are technical skills and/or methods used?
Ø Does the cinematographer make good use of lighting and camera positioning?

TOTAL: / 10

Ø Does the film flawlessly flow from scene to scene?
Ø Does the editing aid or hinder the emotional build-up?

TOTAL: / 10

Ø Is it original?
Ø Does it capture the mood of the scene?

TOTAL: / 10

Ø Are the performances realist?
Ø Are the selected actors suited for their roles?

TOTAL: / 10

TOTAL: / 50